
IndependEnt. Community-Based. Run for You, By You.

A better world
starts with you

A better world starts with you

A non-profit incorporated association and registered charity supporting the Northern Region of Sydney

Independant. Community-Based. Run for You, By You.

A better world
starts with you

A better world starts with you

A non-profit incorporated association and registered charity supporting the Northern Region of Sydney

“Promoting, protecting, and upholding the rights of people with disability since 1978”

Promoting, protecting, and upholding the rights of people with disability since 1978

ACTION for People with Disability Incorporated (ACTION) provides cost-free, individual advocacy and support for people with disability and support for their families in the Northern region of Sydney.

A better world starts with a choice.

Our advocacy is based on the understanding that people with disability have the same rights as other citizens in being treated with respect, dignity and value in relation to their physical, emotional, educational and social well-being.

Action is a non-profit incorporated Association under the Associations Incorporated Act 1984.

We are a registered charity under the Charitable Fundraising Act.

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    Starts with You


    Starts with You

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